Romanian Wood by Alin Lazar
Let me tell you a short story
A while ago, I went to someone to chop a piece of wood and transform it into a decorative object. The wood I was working on had a few curvatures, narrower here and there, so I tried straightening it. The man I was doing this for, said something very wise that had a purpose in this context: “let it be, nothing is without fault in this world”.
The story
The differentiator factor in every design object resulted from the art of processing wood is its exclusivist naturalness. We are reffering to every detail that a piece of wood has, curvature, the unaesthetic parts that actually grant value, originality and exclusiveness to a unique product of design. I believe this objects will be found in houses where the true beauty of imperfect details will be appreciated by its owners.The ones that gave up commercial beauty, the ones that find pleasure in touching and feeling real wood, the ones that think about the wood’s story and life, about renewed and reconditioned objects.
The purpose
Every Romanian Wood creation bears the autenticity of wood and nature. Our daily rutine implies a lot of metropolitan movement, a frentic pace and contact with different, practical Smart objects that have no natural essence, so I am offering to bring a little bit of nature into your homes. For each and one of you, we will find an object perfect in its uniqueness and naturalness.
Alin Lazar
Nature is all we need
All products are unique and not in stock. The products are manufactured only on request, according to the clients' style and requirements.